Re: Statistics

Adam Dillaplain ( )
Thu, 12 Jun 1997 10:56:41 -0500

If 80% of people use the Internet for porno, and you take that away, what
will happen to your subscriber base? We may not like it, but for now it
appears to be the breadwinner for ISPs


At 08:50 AM 6/12/97 -0000, you wrote:
> Hello all.
> Can you gove me an estimate on the percentage of your users access adult
>site ? And also the percentage of traffic they consume ?
> Need this statistic to tell other people how much bandwidth we could
>actually save by blocking pornography.
> I estimate it's 80% of internet users, but I have no solid evidence.
>- Danny
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|I dream things that never were and ask, "Why not?" |
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