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> -----Original Message-----
> From: ing. Joost van der Locht []
> Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 1997 7:09 PM
> To: NT ISP Mailinglist; Windows NT in Internet mailing List
> Subject: Disk Quota?
> Has anyone a suggestion of implementing disk quota on a NT server. I
> know that Serv-U Ftp has the possibility to track diskquota by
> counting
> thet amount of traffic. But I think there has to be a more failsafe
> solution to set the max amount of data in a certain directory (in this
> case the homedirectory of a client)
> Greetings
> Joost
> --
> -------------------------------------------------
> procompNET
> -------------------------------------------------
> http://www.procomp.NET
> ing. Joost van der Locht - joost@procomp.NET
> Toernooiveld 126 - 6525 EC Nijmegen
> Tel. 024-3500437 - Fax. 024-3500613
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