Re: SMTP Server needed

Jose Carlos da Silva ( (no email) )
Mon, 16 Jun 1997 10:29:44 -0300

Barry Kiesz,

Em 13 Jul 97 as 13:21, voce escreveu:

> I have a client that must have a SMTP server located on my Web server. Does
> anyone know where I could get an inexpensive (or free!) SMTP server. I
> don't need the POP side, just the SMTP..

Try the freeware EMWAC IMS (European Microsoft Windows/NT Academic
Centre Internet Mail Server). It runs as a Windows NT Server and
altough it includes SMTP Send, SMTP Receive and POP3 Server, you can
run only the SMTP Services, because each service has its own
executable file.

You can get-it at or you can download it
also at " IMS/"


o-----------------( Jose Carlos da Silva )------------------o
| Sysop & WebMaster ALLNET BBS/Internet |
| Modem: (011)3061-3600 Voz: (011)3061-0088 |
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