Did you have to change the boot.ini or any other file in any way to get
this to boot up ?
At 09:16 6/18/97 -0500, you wrote:
>This morning I was awakened by my beeper telling me that one of our
>machines was hosed. A drive that had shown no signs of weakness had passed
>away (RIP). It turned out to be the boot drive.
>After resisting the costs of setting up a RAID 1 system for some time, we
>took the plunge about 6 months ago and installed 2nd drives in our primary
>machines. We used the standard NT disk mirroring, since RAID 1 seems to
>introduce very little overhead.
>Anyway, it was a simple matter to pull the bad drive, change the ID and
>termination on the other drive and reboot. We were up in less than an hour,
>including diagnostics etc.
>Just a push for those considering doing something similar.
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> NTISP Mailing List listserver@emerald.iea.com
Richard Fink Tel: 415 381-0215
WorldPassage Fax: 415 381-0822
P.O.Box 2339 rfink@worldpassage.net
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WorldPassage is a Premier Internet Service Provider
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