At 10:54 AM 6/24/97 -0700, you wrote:
>It's our experience that a server that is handling only RAS dial-in lines
>is not taxed very much at all. If you are using the same machine for other
>server functions, it might add up to be a lot.
>At 10:16 6/24/97 -0700, you wrote:
>>Hi ppl,
>>Does anyone know what kind of horsepower (CPU/RAM) is required/recommended
>>for a given number of RAS ports?
>>The reason I'm asking is because I get multiple successive logon attempts
>>(indicating that the modem is simply dropping the connection right after
>>authentication) during my peak periods. I'm wondering if I simply don't
>>have enough horsepower. I've ruled out the possibility of a bad modem or
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>> NTISP Mailing List listserver@emerald.iea.com
> Richard Fink Tel: 415 381-0215
> WorldPassage Fax: 415 381-0822
> P.O.Box 2339 rfink@worldpassage.net
> Mill Valley, CA 94942 http://www.worldpassage.net
> WorldPassage is a Premier Internet Service Provider
> owned and operated by RainTree Computer Systems, Inc.
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> NTISP Mailing List listserver@emerald.iea.com