At 18:23 7/8/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Because of health reasons, Atlanta On-Line is consider the sell of its
internet business. Does anyone know of a good broker in the southeast
(preferably in Atlanta) that specializes in buying and selling ISPs?
>If so, please email me privately.
>Marvin Anglin
>Atlanta On-Line InterNet
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> NTISP Mailing List listserver@emerald.iea.com
Richard Fink Tel: 415 381-0215
WorldPassage Fax: 415 381-0822
P.O.Box 2339 rfink@worldpassage.net
Mill Valley, CA 94942 http://www.worldpassage.net
WorldPassage is a Premier Internet Service Provider
owned and operated by RainTree Computer Systems, Inc.