Re: Problems with Custom MS Internet Explorer (IEAK3.02a)

Ronnie D. Franklin ( )
Wed, 9 Jul 1997 00:17:58 -0500

I have been running the product since it came out and have had only one
problem, the missing "reply to" address, and I think that is fixed in

One thing you need to do is make sure you delete your distribution
folders... a couple of the releases did not overwrite existing files, so
running the program again did nothing but was some time.

> From: Joseph Covey <>
> To:
> Subject: Problems with Custom MS Internet Explorer (IEAK3.02a)
> Date: Tuesday, July 08, 1997 11:49 PM
> Is anyone else having any problems with the Custom MSIE they are
> providing to there customers? We seem to have more than few Installation
> problems such as missing .dll's and slow installing. I have tried
> re-building my distribution files but same things still happen.
> Is this a problem with IEAK 3.02a?
> Thanks in advance...;)
> _____________________________________
> | Joseph Covey
> | Netsites Administrator -
> | Netsites Internet Communications
> | 115 E. Delaware
> | Tahlequah, OK 74464
> |____________________________________
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