Fw: authentication
Alex Assali ( (no email) )
Wed, 9 Jul 1997 05:20:29 -0400
> I am using RadiusNT along with the Emerald and SQL server.
> It seems like the accounting is working fine but the authentication on
> SQL server is not. It keeps coming with message user unknown. I noticed
> that that the SQL is trying to decrypt the password eventhough the
> passwords
> are not key encrypted.
> Right now, I am running the authentication on a Linux machines using
> file
> generated by the emerald. I am using the recent version of Ascend Radius
> for
> controlling access on an Ascend MAX 4004. The Ascend dictionary is little
> bit
> different from the one that comes with the emerald. I know that this can
> changed
> from the emerald database. Does the RadiusNT read the emerald dictionary
> when
> running in odbc mode? if this is true why the authentication is not
> working?
> Is there any way to change the radius file format generated by the
> I dont
> know if some of you working with the Ascend radius noticed that the
> parameter: Expiration does not exist instead Ascend-PW-Expiration is
> The emerald
> can not delete the parameter Expiration? the only way is to change this
> parameter
> to Ascend-PW-Expiration?? How can I do that?? also if you want to add
> Nas-Port
> -type(ISDN or analog), it has to be added next to the username line.
> Emerald
> will add it to a new line?? So is there any way to change the file format
> on the
> SQL server??
> Did anyone have an incident where the RadiusNT reported a communication
> link
> failure with the SQL server? if so, why this is hapening?
> I know this is to much information to ask but I really appreciate your
> with
> these issues. I am also prepared to return the favor with anything I can
> help you with.
> Call me at (803)-741-7766.
> Thanks,
> Alex Assali
> Master degree in Electrical Engineering and Communication(The George
> Washington University).
> CNE4.1.