RE: Serv-U question regarding disk quotas

Jeff Woods ( )
Thu, 10 Jul 1997 08:57:23 -0400

YES, there is a demand for this! We just discovered a user who had a 10
meg quote and was using 96 MB! Without encoded limits in the FTP program,
even somethinglike Quota Manager can only catch them AFTER the fact. I
don't want them to be able to upload it in the first place.

At 10:49 PM 7/9/97 -0700, you wrote:

>What about using an NT quota program? Quotas could be added to Serv-U, but
>that would require changes to the database schema, so I doubt they will be
>added any time soon. If there is a large/High demand for this, please
>email and let them know.
>-- Walter
>On Wed, 9 Jul 1997, Lawrence Watkins wrote:
>> Was this post ever answered? If it was please forward me the info. If
>> not then how is the following accomplished?
>> Thanks in advance Lawrence
>> > From: Josh Hillman[]
>> > Reply To:
>> > Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 1997 8:19 AM
>> > To:
>> > Subject: Serv-U question regarding disk quotas
>> >
>> > I've got Serv-U FTP running on one of our NT 4.0 machines and users
>> > are
>> > able to FTP in (authenticated using the Emerald (SQL) db) and
>> > manipulate
>> > their files, but right now there's no limit as to what they can put
>> > up. I
>> > know that with Serv-U, you can set up disk quotas, but it seems as if
>> > you
>> > first have to set it up for a specific user or group of users.
>> > Because
>> > Serv-U authenticates via the Emerald db, there are no users or groups
>> > listed in the Serv-U config. How can I set it up so that (Emerald)
>> > users
>> > have a disk quota??
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> >
>> > Josh Hillman
>> >
>> >
>> >
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