- Danny Sinang
> From: Petar Nikolich <petar@escape.net.au>
> To: ntisp@emerald.iea.com
> Subject: Re: Memory question
> Date: Tuesday, July 22, 1997 7:00 PM
> Another thing to watch is the type of intel chipset on the mboard.
> Only TX chipsets will cache above 64 Mb of ram. FX,HX and VX all
> had a flaw that prevents caching above 64Mb.
> ----------
> From: Danny Sinang <sinang@skyinet.net>
> To: NTISP <ntisp@emerald.iea.com>
> Subject: Memory question
> Date: Tuesday, July 22, 1997 6:13 PM
> Hi.
> I have two 32 MB EDO RAM on my Asustek motherboard PC w/ NT 4.
> Can I add another two 16 MB RAM to make a total of 98 MB RAM available
> NT ?
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> NTISP Mailing List listserver@emerald.iea.com