Re: NT services to turn off

Jason Hess ( )
Tue, 22 Jul 1997 08:33:45 -0500

Danny Sinang wrote:
> Hello.
> I'm trying to bring down to a minimum the number of services running on my
> NT server to conserve memory. I need DNS, DHCP, POP, SMTP, HTTP and RAS
> running.
> Can anybody explain to me the following services and which one I can safely
> turn off ?
> 1. Browser
> 2. Net Logon
> 3. Messenger
> 4. NT LM Security Support Provider
> 5. Remote Procedure Call ( RPC ) Locator
> 6. Remote Procedure Call ( RPC ) Service
> 7. Spooler
> 8. TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper
> 9. Telephony Service
> 10. Workstation
> Danny Sinang
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> NTISP Mailing List

The ones that I am familiar with are 1,2,3,9,and 10. You HAVE to
1. - (auto browse selecting: usually the most powerful machine on the
network will usually hold a little more cache than the others)
2. - (allows you to logon; also checks for home directories and logon
10. - (allows your machine to talk to others)

I would probably leave messenger on. It is not vital, but it takes up
little room. If you are using RAS, you will need Telephony Service. I am
not sure about the others. I don't believe that I have the
RPCs running, nor the TCP/IP Netbios Helper (in fact, never seen that
one :) )
Hope this helps,
Jason Hess
CIOE Corporation