I use this one:
DECLARE @timeon smalldatetime, @timeon smalldatetime, @userip char(16)
Select @timeon = "11/9/96 16:00"
Select @timeoff = "11/9/96 22:00"
Select @userip = ""
Select UserName, Start=DateAdd(Second,
(0-AcctSessionTime-AcctDelayTime), CallDate), Mins=(AcctSessionTime/60),
Stop=DateAdd(Second, (0-AcctDelayTime), CallDate),
Server=SubString(Server, 1, 15), Port=Str(NASPort,4), IP=FramedAddress
from calls, servers
where DateAdd(Second, (0-AcctSessionTime-AcctDelayTime), CallDate) >=
and DateAdd(Second, (0-AcctDelayTime), CallDate) <= @timeoff
and AcctStatusType = 2
and calls.NASIdentifier=servers.ipaddress
and FramedAddress = @userip
Order By Start
-- Dale E. Reed Jr. (daler@iea-software.com)_________________________________________________________________ IEA Software, Inc. | RadiusNT, Emerald, and NT FAQs Internet Solutions for Today | http://www.iea-software.com