Re: [Emerald] SQL Server crash after scheduled task

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Wed, 03 Feb 1999 10:32:05 -0800

Axel Drogoin wrote:
> i installed the SQL script insttask.sql yesterday and today morning the
> server crashed. After reboot the Emerald database recovered for 2 hours. I
> installed the tasks in the following order:
> 1:00 AM Backup of the Emerald database
> 2:00 AM Delete start records
> 3:00 AM Trim logs
> 4:00 AM Update Calls ServerID ---> Crash
> 5:00 AM Update Calls AccountID
> There are about 172000 entries (3 Months) in the Calls table. Is this too
> much? Is the table locked for new entries during this task?
> Whats the cause of this crash?

Do you have any Service Packs on your SQL Server? In the Emerald
Help...About, what version does it say your SQL Server is? There are
known problems with SQL Server pre SP3 that can cause problems,
including crashing your SQL Server.

> I have some other problems too:
> - Can i install a task that runs monthly and automtically deletes all
> entries in the calls table older than xxx months?

Yes. You'll coonfigure a TSQL to execute something like:

Delete from Calls where DateDiff(Month, CallDate, GetDate) > xxx

> - Because we use this program in Germany we would like to use other currency
> and date formats:
> $ --> DM
> If i change my regional settings to this formats i get SQL errors with
> Emerald. Is this a problem with the SQL server or does Emerald not support
> other currency and date formats? We currently use a US version of SQL server
> 6.5. Is it possible to get Emerald running when we change to a german
> version?

Emerald 2.5 resolves most of these issues. You must have SP3 or higher
installed not only on your server, but also on your clients, as it
addresses issues with international settings.

-- Dale E. Reed Jr.  (       IEA Software, Inc.      |  RadiusNT, Emerald, and NT FAQs Internet Solutions for Today  |

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