Re: [Emerald] Strange stuff with my online calls.

Billy Huddleston ( (no email) )
Tue, 16 Feb 1999 00:35:08 -0500

It's not unique when the HyperARC sends the SAME AcctSessionID for the SAME
NasPort on the Same Terminal Server and it's the same acctstatus type.
Username isn't part of the clustered key restraint in my database, not sure
about youurs. I personally feel it's a bug with the HyperARC 4.1.59 code.
I've already contracted 3com about it. But I was thinking by including the
date/time in the cluster it would insure that the record would be unique. I
just need to know if there is going to be any impact on me adding it to the

Thanks, Billy

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Bilan <Tom@TDI.NET>
To: '' <>
Date: Tuesday, February 16, 1999 12:22 AM
Subject: RE: [Emerald] Strange stuff with my online calls.

>I had a similar problem after I updated to 2.5.
>I had to delete the primary index on the calls database and recreate it
>acctsessionid, nasidentifier, nasport, username, acctstatustype.
>it's "clustered" and "unique".
>You may want to hear from Dale unless your an SQL person before you play
>your indexes.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Billy Huddleston []
>Sent: Sunday, February 14, 1999 11:21 PM
>Subject: [Emerald] Strange stuff with my online calls.
>Been having problems with not all calls showing up. I went into the
>and found that most of these calls had a error like this following them.
>ODBC Error:23000:2627:
>[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Violation of PRIMARY KEY
>constraint 'pk_Calls': Attempt to insert duplicate key in object 'Calls'.
>Any Idea what's going here?

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