Re: [Emerald] tax field

Sheryl D. Stover ( (no email) )
Mon, 8 Mar 1999 11:27:25 -0800

In the Emerald Adminstrator, General Configuration, Regions tab, set your
regions where you must charge tax to "Default taxable". On a per-case
basis, you can uncheck the "taxable" flag in the Billing tab of the MBR if

To change existing accounts to default taxable if all of them should be (or
if you know which ones to change back), run the following SQL query against
your Emerald database:

update masteraccounts
set taxable=1

Sheryl D. Stover - -
IEA Software Account Management and Customer Service
Phone: (509) 444-2455 ext. 51 - Fax: (509) 624-9903
Billing and Customer Care for ISPs and Communications Companies

-----Original Message-----
From: (Ken) <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, March 08, 1999 11:09 AM
Subject: [Emerald] tax field

We just upgraded to emerald 2.5 and the tax col. is set to null (i think...
it is blank) when ever i create an invoice it will not add tax. also is
there a way to force emerald to make all accounts taxable when created
unless we specify otherwise?

kenneth Jaeger

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