Re: [Emerald] Big Query....Need Help

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Fri, 26 Mar 1999 21:14:27 -0800

Jason Powell wrote:
> We are switching to Anniversary billing, and we need to make the following
> changes so we can bill our current people correctly. I am not sure what
> kind of query I need to run to get these results. Can someone please give
> me a hand?
> I need all credit card people under the default billing cycle to change the
> paid through date from */15/* to */01/*. Also, I need to change the billed
> through date from */15/* to */01/* and the expire date from */15/* to
> */05/*. Last, I need to give all of the credit card people permanent 10 day
> limit.
> */15/* is any month, and any year. I don't know if it is possible to just
> change the day. Or if I have to put a line for every month and year as a
> different line statement.

You would have to use DatePart to break it down and put it back together

Update MasterAccounts
Set BilledThru = Convert(varchar(3), DatePart(Month, BilledThru)) +
'/1/' + Convert(varchar(4), DatePart(Year, BilledThru))
Where DatePart(Day, BilledThru) = 15

You can add the rest of the fields in the same manner.


Dale E. Reed Jr. Emerald and RadiusNT__________________________________________IEA Software, Inc.

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