Drop Table RadRejects
I re downloaded the script and ran it for a second time. This is the errors
it came up with
>>> help! this is what I get and even more attributes are missing
>>> Msg 547, Level 16, State 2
>>> INSERT statement conflicted with COLUMN FOREIGN KEY constraint
>>> 'FK__RadConfig__Accou__3414ACBA'. The conflict occurred in database
>>> 'Emerald25', table 'SubAccounts', column 'AccountID'
>>> Command has been aborted.
>>Entries in the RadConfigs table must belong to an existing user
>>in the SubAccounts table (matching AccountID). The AccountID
>>you gave, doesn't exist. Are you trying to enter into the
>>RadATConfigs (for an AccountType default)?
>>Dale E. Reed Jr. Emerald and RadiusNT
>>IEA Software, Inc. www.iea-software.com