[Emerald] Online Setup Server

talon ( (no email) )
Mon, 19 Apr 1999 13:40:21 EST

ok , i did some checking and the account type is 56K/64K
so i changed that in the asp, but i get the same error.
But, when i do select AccountType from AccountTypes I get

Here is the asp code:
<b>Type of Dial Up Account.</b> <br>
<select name="accounttype" size=1 tabindex="2" value="">
<option selected> <% = accounttype %>
<option value="56K/64K"> 56K/64K
Here is the error again:
INSERT INTO MasterAccounts (active, firstname, lastname, address1,address2, city, state, zip, phonehome, phonework, phonefax, PayMethod, creditcardnumber, creditcardexpire, creditcardauth, GroupID, PayPeriod, Region, Extension, SalesPerson, LastModifyUser) VALUES(-1, 't','T','43 T','','in','in','46333','317-713-1313',' ', ' ', 'Credit Card','4444444444444444','0101','T T',1, 'Monthly','Indianapolis',10, 'Internet', 'Internet' )INSERT INTO SubAccounts (CustomerID, Login, Discount, Email, FirstName,LastName, PhoneHome, PhoneWork, AccountType, Description, Password, SystemType, ModemSpeed, NetSoftware, Operator, LastModifyUser, LoginLimit, saCurrent ) VALUES(1071,'test','test@midlink.com','t','T','317-713-1313',' ', '56K/64K','Normal Users','24mb','kBJ423','pentium II','67200','MS Explorer 3.0','Internet','Internet',2,-1)
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]INSERT statement conflicted with COLUMN FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK__SubAccoun__Accou__0A489020'. The conflict occurred in database 'Emerald', table 'AccountTypes', column 'AccountType'

/signup/signup.asp, line 1947

Dale, I would really appreciate your help with this....


- Tim