Look at your calls_update trigger on your calls table. The first update
should be:
Set sp.Username = i.Username,
sp.AcctStatusType = i.AcctStatusType,
sp.CallDate = DateAdd(Second, 0-i.AcctDelayTime, i.CallDate),
sp.FramedAddress = i.FramedAddress,
sp.CallerID = i.CallerID,
sp.ConnectInfo = i.ConnectInfo,
sp.AcctSessionID = i.AcctSessionID
FROM Servers s, ServerPorts sp, inserted i
WHERE s.IPAddress = i.NASIdentifier AND
s.ServerID = sp.ServerID AND
sp.Port = i.NASPort AND
(DateAdd(Second, 0-i.AcctDelayTime, i.CallDate) >= sp.CallDate OR
sp.CallDate IS NULL)
--Dale E. Reed Jr. Emerald and RadiusNT__________________________________________IEA Software, Inc. www.iea-software.com