Re: [Emerald] EmerAuth.dll and Dnews 5.1a

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Wed, 26 May 1999 11:05:17 -0700

Will LaSala wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having a problem with the EmerAuth.dll and Dnews 5.1a
> I running version (from the properties -> versions tab)
> 2.6.7b
> Basically I can get it to look up the user in the Emerald database.
> I checked the emerauthdnews.log and it said that it connected to the
> Emerald Database successfully.
> However when I issue a
> tellnews test_access <ip address> <Emerald User Name> <Emerald Password>
> it says Not Authorized
> I checked the emerauthdnews.log right after this and it seems
> to have connected to the database ok....but that's all the logging
> I can see.
> However if I add the same user name the Dnews user.dat file
> the connection works fine.
> Is there a special account type that I should add in order for this to work?
> or does the .dll file just check the database for the user name and pass
> and it doesn't care what type of account it is, as long as the account is
> active and not expired?

You have to create a group in the user.dat file the corresponds to
the accounttype of the user. EmerAuth returns the accounttype as the
group the user is in. Then DNews looks up that group (note, group
used here is a user group, not a newsgroup) in the user.dat, to find
out what newsgroups you have access to.


Dale E. Reed Jr. Emerald and RadiusNT__________________________________________IEA Software, Inc.