Re: [Emerald] sales tax fields

Ben Conner ( )
Thu, 03 Jun 1999 21:01:05 -0700

At 10:37 PM 6/3/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Ben Conner wrote:
>The Sales Tax is in the InvoiceItems table in three fields: TaxID, Tax,
>and Tax2. TaxID matched to a tax entry in the Taxes table, and Tax/Tax2
>are the respective monetary tax amounts.

I've summed the tax and tax2 fields for the whole invoiceitems table and
come up with 0 for both. I have invoices where tax has been charged and
paid by clients. ??

+ Ben Conner +
+ Web World, Inc. (714) 639-0595 voice +
+ PO Box 6548-107 (714) 744-4825 fax +
+ Orange, Ca 92863 +