Re: [Emerald] rebatch behind the scenes .... ? ( (no email) )
Sat, 12 Jun 1999 08:49:44 +0800

You do not need Exchange Server to get SQLMail working, install OutLook 98
on SQL server. Check the SQLMail property in Enterprise Manager, in the
profile drop list select "Microsoft Oultlook Internet Setti". After this
in SQL Server Agent, setup add new operator.

You should leave Outlook 98 open in SQL Server, and on Mail Delivery Option
tick Send Message immediately.


Network Operations
Domain Internet Access
-----Original Message-----
From: Will LaSala <>
To: <>
Date: Saturday, June 12, 1999 12:22 AM
Subject: Re: [Emerald] rebatch behind the scenes .... ?

>Ok I have a little better Stored Proc for emailing those customer with
>expired and about to expire CC
>This script will email the customer 3 months before thier account is going
>to expire
>to inform them to fix this before it does.
>There maybe bugs in this and make sure you change the email message and
>blindcc address.
>I have yet to full test it here since I have no idea how to get SQLMail
>working on the SQL Server without an Exchange server but I'll figure
>something out (any help out there?)
>Thanks to Dan Tang for his part in this script since this is just a build
>off of his.
>P.S. I forgot to mention that you must have only four or three digits in
>your CCExpireDate fields!!!! It is very important that you don't have any
>"-"'s or "/"'s in it!
>The field should be in the format of mmyy or myy!
>Will ,,,=^. .^=,,,
>GreenNet® ==========================================
>"Link Locally ~ Surf Globally©"
>Come Play On The Best Quake Server in the Northeast
>Serving Eastern Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire
>TEL: 978-363-8898 FAX: 978-363-1225
>--------CUT Here----------
>declare CCExpireDate INSENSITIVE cursor for
> Select m.CreditCardExpire, m.CustomerID
> from subaccounts s, masteraccounts m
> where s.CustomerID=m.CustomerID
> and m.PayMethod = "Credit Card"
> and DatePart(mm,maExpireDate) = DatePart(mm,GETDATE()) + 3
> and DatePart(yy,maExpireDate) = DatePart(yy,GETDATE())
> and datalength(>0
>declare @CCDate varchar(25)
>declare @CustID int
>open CCExpireDate
>fetch next from CCExpireDate into @CCDate,@CustID
>while @@FETCH_STATUS=0
>if DATALENGTH(@CCDate) = 3
> declare curMailer INSENSITIVE cursor for
> select as MailBox, m.FirstName , m.LastName, m.maExpireDate,
>SUBSTRING(CreditCardExpire, 1, 1) as CCExpireMonth, Right(CreditCardExpire,
>2) as CCExpireYear
> from subaccounts s, masteraccounts m
> where m.CustomerID = @CustID
> and s.CustomerID = @CustID
> and m.PayMethod = "Credit Card"
> and DatePart(mm,maExpireDate) = DatePart(mm,GETDATE()) + 3
> and DatePart(yy,maExpireDate) = DatePart(yy,GETDATE())
> and datalength(>0
> declare curMailer INSENSITIVE cursor for
> select as MailBox, m.FirstName , m.LastName, m.maExpireDate,
>SUBSTRING(CreditCardExpire, 1, 2) as CCExpireMonth, Right(CreditCardExpire,
>2) as CCExpireYear
> from subaccounts s, masteraccounts m
> where m.CustomerID = @CustID
> and s.CustomerID = @CustID
> and m.PayMethod = "Credit Card"
> and DatePart(mm,maExpireDate) = DatePart(mm,GETDATE()) + 3
> and DatePart(yy,maExpireDate) = DatePart(yy,GETDATE())
> and datalength(>0
>declare @email varchar(50)
>declare @FirstName varchar(50)
>declare @LastName varchar(50)
>declare @MsgBody varchar(255)
>declare @CCMonth varchar(4)
>declare @CCYear varchar(4)
>declare @AccountExpireDate datetime
>open curMailer
>fetch next from curMailer into
>IF (Convert(int, DatePart(mm, @AccountExpireDate)) >=
>and (Convert(int, DatePart(yy, @AccountExpireDate)) = Convert(int,"19" +
> Select @MsgBody='Dear ' + @FirstName + ' ' + @LastName + ',' +
> select @MsgBody='Your Credit Card is about to Expire.' + char(13)
> select @MsgBody='Our Records show that the Credit Card you have given
>us will expire on ' + @CCMonth + "/" + @CCYear + "." + char(13)
> select @MsgBody='Please call us before this time to update our
>records.' + char(13)
> select @MsgBody='If we do not here from you before this time we will
>start issuing you an invoice, and an addtional invoicing fee of $2.00.' +
> select @MsgBody='To avoid this additional charge please call us today
>at 978-363-8898' + char(13) + char(13)
> select @MsgBody='Regards,'+ char(13) + char(13)
> select @MsgBody='GreenNet Billing Department'
> exec master..xp_sendmail @recipients=@email,
>@blind_copy_recipients="", @subject='Our Credit Card
>Information', @Message=@MsgBody
>close curMailer
>deallocate curMailer
>fetch next from CCExpireDate into @CCDate,@CustID
>close CCExpireDate
>deallocate CCExpireDate