Re: [Emerald] Expired Accounts

Rick Richardson ( )
Mon, 21 Jun 1999 11:03:51 -0700

"Dale E. Reed Jr." wrote:

> Rick Richardson wrote:
> >
> > can someone explain to me how to
> > query for expired and inactive accounts?
> > I'm in the process of creating VAR pages
> > that will recieve limited info on acconts
> > like expires and overdues.
> > But I can't get my query to spit out the
> > correct data
> Select CustomerID, LastName, Company, maExpireDate
> >From MasterAccounts
> Where (maExpireDate is not null AND GetDate < maExpireDate)
> or
> (OverLimit > 0 AND Balance > OverLimit)


also..I applied the query and then tried to add the extension table to
to get the current expiration date, the values are usually 30 or 60
I assume they mean days.. the thing is I'm having no luck
adding the integer to the date.. I'm sure it's fairly simple,
I've just never seen it done

Over and Out

Rick Richardson