[Emerald] Hourly Charges

Annabel Mwansa ( amwansa@zamnet.zm )
Fri, 09 Jul 1999 16:55:16 +0200


I ran Invoices for the first time and the hours don't add up.

This is what I have configured for the rates in EmerAdmin.

Name: 15 Hours
Standard Time: 15
Standard Interval: 3600
Standard Charge: $0.00

Overtime Interval: 3600
Over Charge: $3.50

Our clients get 15 Hours when they subscribe to this service and the
cost is included in the monthly charge. Every additional hour spent
online is charged at $3.50.
After running the invoices, the hours didn't add up at all. Here are a
few examples,

AcctSessionTime Hours online Minutes Billed Billed Hours
Expected Billable Hours
137,964 38.32 1509
25.15 23.32
150,389 41.77 0
0 26.77
165,530 45.98 1339
22.32 30.98
1,176,051 326.68 8061
134.35 311.68

Could you give me an idea of how Emerald comes up with these hours and
what I can do to correct this problem? Does Emerald round off the time
spent online?

Please help.


Annabel Mwansa
Network Specialist
ZAMNET Communication Systems Ltd
P.O. Box 38299
Lusaka, Zambia

Tel: +260 1 231841
Fax: +260 1 224775
email: annabel@zamnet.zm

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