[Emerald] paying certain invoices pays old voided invoices

Josh Hillman ( (no email) )
Wed, 28 Jul 1999 12:35:51 -0400

Yesterday, I created an invoice of Type='Invoice' for 6 months of service ($5.00/month), totalling -$30.00 (credit). Because you
can't pay invoices if the amount is negative, I had to mark it paid as 30.00, then run the following to fix it:
update payments set amount = 0-amount where paymentid = 17310

Today we realized that there are now 3 invoices that have this payment associated with them and there's supposed to be only one.
The invoice above, is fine, but the 2 others were old voided, never-paid invoices. Why were those two old ones associated with this

ItemID InvoiceID Amount PaymentID Quantity
----------- ----------- -------- ----------- -----------
579 385 19.95 17310 1
17462 10848 19.95 17310 1
32635 20141 -5.00 17310 6

InvoiceID CustomerID Type Amount Date StartDate EndDate Months LastModifyDate SentDate
--------- ---------- -------- -------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ------ -------------- -----------
385 97 VOID 19.95 Jan 13 1997 Feb 3 1997 Mar 3 1997 1 Jan 13 1997 (null)
10848 97 VOID 19.95 Oct 1 1998 Nov 1 1998 Dec 1 1998 1 Oct 1 1998 Oct 1 1998
20141 97 Invoice -30.00 Jul 27 1999 Jan 1 2000 Jul 1 2000 6 Jul 27 1999 Jul 27 1999

PaymentID CustomerID Amount Date LastModifyDate
----------- ----------- -------- ----------- --------------
17310 97 -30.00 Jul 27 1999 Jul 27 1999

Apparently, this behavior has popped up in the past also since we've been using Emerald 2.5

Emerald 2.5.278


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