[Emerald] auto-created invoice for new service charges too much

Josh Hillman ( (no email) )
Fri, 3 Sep 1999 12:09:30 -0400

I just added a new service to an existing billing record and when it asked
whether I wanted to create an invoice for it, I chose yes. The invoice that
was generated was for $66.00 more than it should have been.
Prior to the invoice being generated (and after), the billing dates were:
Paid Thru: 12/2/99
Billed Thru: 12/2/99
Expire: 12/2/99
Billing Cycle: Default (Renewal / Anniversary)
Billing period: Quarterly
Pay Method: Renewal

The service added was a $30.00/month service. The Setup Fee was set to

The invoice that was generated had the following info:
Start: 9/3/99 End: 12/2/99
Line item1: $30.00
Line item2: $66.00
Total: $156.00

Where did this $66.00 charge come from?? It has the same description as the
first line item (for the actual service).
Even if I accidentally left the Setup Charge set to "Standard", it would
have been a $20.00 charge, so the $66.00 still doesn't make sense.

After voiding the invoice, the Billed Thru and Expiration dates wer set to
9/3/99 instead of staying at 12/2/99 which is the correct date.

Emerald 2.5.278 / SQL 6.5 SP5a

Josh Hillman

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