We are working on moving the client over to ODBC, which should help
out a lot on this aspect. Just as a side note on Oracle, yet it might
be a better RDBMS than SQL Server, but its a pain in the rear to work
with, and its very difficult to spend so much time on a RDBBMS that
MAYBE 5% of Emerald customers would be using. Most people using Emerald
today are resellers of MS products and can get SQL Server NFR for
very cheap. It installs in three clicks. I spent three hours with
Orcale tech support trying to get Oracle Workgroup server installed on
two different NT Servers, and neither one would run.
> So.. (I'm being nitpicky) I don't think Emerald is "completely open" as
> you describe it. It is quite a bit farther along the path than others, and
> it has many nice features that aren't available in other programs..
Agreed. By open I meant in adding in what you want and get
direct access to the backend. Not plug and play with anything
on the market.
> > The only thing I'm missing are 'user-definable' buttons in E where we
> > can integrate our additions under the E user interface, but I think
> > we'll have them when the browser interface is ready (Dale? :) ).
> Again, to be truly open, the Browser interface should be prototyped in
> portable ANSI C w/ specific declarations for the operating system it will
> be used. It should provide the ability to easily slot in third party
> "driver modules" to connect the CGI related programs into a Unix or Orable
> server.
The web backend for Emerald is written in ANSI C, and is CGI based,
to work with all CGI web servers on the market for NT. It is also
ODBC compliment, just like RadiusNT.
> I don't like being forced to use "cold fusion" and IIS, as these products
> both suck raw eggs when it comes to scalability.
We've never told you that you had to use Cold Fusion or IIS.
-- Dale E. Reed Jr. (daler@iea.com)_________________________________________________________________ IEA Software, Inc. | RadiusNT, Emerald, and NT FAQs Internet Solutions for Today | http://www.emerald.iea.com