Tommy Cheng
Jeff Woods wrote:
> At 05:02 PM 3/13/97 -0800, you wrote:
> >Acct-Session-ID is a NAS calcultaed number. It has nothing to do with
> >the RADIUS server. I beleive if you configure a NTP and setup the
> >Computone to use it, it will have unique IDS on reboot. Unfortunately,
> >I am not an experienced user at it.
> I don't believe the Computone has this option. Again, the A-S-ID seems to
> be not time based, but time from restart, which would thus be VERY bad.
> >The calls table and the callsonline view is related, but NOT the same.
> >If callsonline isn't working, you either don't have the trigger
> >installed to upkeep the callsonline table (actually the server ports table)
> >or you don't have entries in the server ports table for the NAS.
> I've checked both the trigger (present) and the ports list and both are
> present. Any other ideas?
> Perhaps you can DETAIL what I'm looking for in the trigger area? Based on
> what someone ELSE said, I believe the trigger to be correct, but I may be
> mistaken.