Re: Reports not Working

Tommy Cheng ( )
Mon, 17 Mar 1997 21:56:09 -0800

Jeffrey Betts wrote:
> Dale
> All the below reports give me a SQL server
> error when I try to run them. I looked at one
> in chrystal reports and they seem to be trying
> to use the emerald2 database. I could not figure
> out how to change them. Can you help ?
> Payment.rpt
> Monrev.rpt
> newbywk.rpt

Well, defrev.rpt and monrev.rpt and newbywk.rpt don't work with me.
After changing all of them from emerald2.obo.* to emerald.obo.*, non of
the reports display any data. But I got payment.rpt to work. The problem
is it adds deleted invoices with the total.

Tommy Cheng