Daniel Wood ( )
Wed, 02 Apr 1997 20:05:51 -0800
At 02:36 AM 4/2/97 -0800, you wrote:
>Jeff Woods wrote:
>> NINE crashes yesterday, three of them between midnight and six A.M.,
>> resulting in two round trip visits to the office (15 minutes each way) to
>> reset the thing (PC Anywhere won't work on machines with multiple IPs).
>> My wife is ready to divorce me because she's not getting any sleep -- and I
>> don't blame her -- that pager is LOUD.
>> Dale, PLEASE escalate this and get it fixed NOW. I will download and run
>> any number of debug programs you care to post for me, and will call you at
>> my expense to discuss the results. But I simply MUST stop the server from
>> crashing before I lose my users *and* my wife.
>We have a complete re-write of the Serv-U DLL that will be on par with
>NTMail DLL. It will include several key additions, including registry
>configuration (like RadiusNT) and some of the new disk quota options. I
>hoping to have this available Tuesday (yesterday), but it might be
>another day.
>We ARE working hard on this, and its a very high priority. I appreciate
>patience and apologize for taking so long to solve this problem.
I have ran Serv-U DLL for months and it has NEVER crashed. Also you
might want to try Timbuktu. It works very good for remote access to
a server.