Re: FW: Problems with Calls ONline..

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Wed, 2 Apr 1997 20:19:13 -0800 (PST)

On Wed, 2 Apr 1997, James Sandusky wrote:

> I'm trying to set Emerald 2.1.8 and RadiusNT .60 up. I setup a test account and can get authenticated, but I cannot figure out why I can't get the account to show up in Calls Online.. I've tried option 15 with no luck. I've set the permissions up "I think" right in the SQL server for the Radius account. What options should have radius use with Emerald -r?? Anyone have any suggestions on what to do to make it update the Calls Online???

With Emerald, you do not need any options for CallsOnline update.
Just make sure your calls table has the trigger on it, and
that you have entries in your serverports table (Using the
Emerald Admin, Config Radius, ServerPorts tab).

RadiusNT will not create the entries, but it will update
entries already there.
