[Emerald] hourly charges

Tom Bilan ( Tom@TDI.NET )
Tue, 2 Feb 1999 16:18:32 -0500

If have a customer whose expire date is on the 3rd of each month and they
receive this invoice:

userabc 11/3/98 usage of 10 hours
userabc 12/3/98 usage of 12 hours

Obviously they didn't use all 10 hours on 11/3/98 so they want to see a
record of each call.

In the Call History tab in the service it says:
12/3/98 time: 11 hours (why not 12, the invoice says 12?!#%), 119 calls,
charge 1558
11/3/98 time: 9 hours (again it isn't the same number...), 121 calls, charge

The problem is that I can't come up with the number of calls that emerald
does. I have a trigger that writes
a duplicate record of the insert into calls so we have a permanent record
for problems like this. If I run
this query:

select @begin = '12/3/98'
select @end = '1/3/99'
select sum(acctsessiontime)/60/60, count(*) from callslog where username =
'donanita' and calldate >= @begin and calldate < @end
----------- -----------
11 117

select @begin = '12/4/98'
select @end = '1/4/99'

select sum(acctsessiontime)/60/60, count(*) from callslog where username =
'donanita' and calldate >= @begin and calldate < @end
----------- -----------
11 117

select @begin = '12/2/98'
select @end = '1/2/99'

select sum(acctsessiontime)/60/60, count(*) from callslog where username =
'donanita' and calldate >= @begin and calldate < @end
----------- -----------
9 116

Basically, I can't come up with the 119 calls this user was charged for.

When I try it for 11/{2,3,4}/98 to 12/{2,3,4}/98 I get 126 calls, 129 calls,
127 calls respectively. I can't come up with the 121 calls that emerald
says it found and I went through each one and there are no duplicates in my
list so it's not a problem with my log.

Where does Consolidation get it's number from?

If "userabc 11/3/98 usage of 10 hours" means "userabe 10/4/98 to 11/3/98
usage of 121 calls totalling 8hours 35minutes 40seconds" THEN WHY DOESN'T IT

When people pay for our service and come to me asking why they were charged
a certain amount I think it's only right that we should be able to give them
those hours and I can't. I've given 3 people their money back so far
because our billing department has NO IDEA how to provide those users with
overtime charges with the detail of what they actually used.

Give me IN ENGLISH how consolidation calculates these totals so that I can
try to explain this to my customer service reps.

I have NOT done consolication since 2/1/98 because I'm waiting to hear
Dale's response. I'm going to make a duplicate of the calls table so that
after consolidation I can apply Dale's forthcoming formula if I can't arrive
at the same number of calls as in the Call History tab.

Tom Bilan

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