The data is already collected in the Calls table. Emerald 2.5 doesn't
have the native ability to charge on it, but you might be able to come
up with a way to sum the AcctOutputOctets and create charges. For
example, the below can be scheduled to run on the 1st of each month,
to do the usage billing.
Create Procedure Calc_Usage_Charges as
DECLARE @limit as int, @overcharge as money, @startdate as datetime,
@enddate as datetime
Select @limit = 100, @overcharge = 1,
@enddate=convert(varchar(2), DatePart(Month, GetDate())) + '/01/'+
convert(varchar(4), DatePart(Year, GetDate())),
@startdate=DateAdd(Month, -1, @enddate)
Select Username, MBSent=(sum(AcctOutputOctets))/1024000
Into #tmp_charges